Paid Newsletters

How to create a paid newsletter with Upscribe

Written by Jonny Platt
Updated over a week ago

Now you can charge your subscribers for access to your Upscribe email newsletter! It's easy to set up and takes just a few minutes.

Attach your bank account (so you can get paid!)

Navigate to the Paid Newsletters page via the dropdown menu in the top right corner of your dashboard.

Next, click the Setup payouts account button to register a bank account. This will be the account where we will send your newsletter's earnings!

Set the name and price of your Paid Newsletter

After you've finished setting up your payouts account, it's time to setup your new paid newsletter. Provide a name and the monthly price of your newsletter.

Add the Paid Newsletter field to your form

Now we have our paid newsletter configured and our payouts account set up, but we need a way to collect payment information from our subscribers. Well, we can use an Upscribe form for that!

Navigate to the Forms section and create a new form (or select an existing one). Then add a new field to your form and set the field type to "Paid Newsletter". That's it! Now we can start collecting paid subscribers via our Upscribe form.

Boom! Share that form and start collecting paid subscribers.

Send emails to your Paid Newsletter subscribers

Now that we've setup a paid newsletter and collected some new paid subscribers, we want to send them an email. To send an email to your paid subscribers only, navigate to the Emails tab in your dashboard and create a new email (or select an existing draft).

Next, click on the Segment button and filter your contacts to only Active paid subscribers via the Paid Newsletter dropdown.

That's it! Now write your highly-exclusive email and hit that Send button!

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